Simple process, explained in language you can understand.​
Have you thought about putting Solar Panels on your home or business?
Let us walk you though how simple it is........​

Step 1 :
Contact us & attach your latest electricity bill to your email.​
Step 2:
Solar proposal is developed, catering to individuals power consumptions and needs, then emailed to you.
It includes; Recommended system cost breakdown, rebates STC's and Gov't, monthly/annual savings return of investment, visual roof layout​Step 3:
Onsite solar appointment where you meet with one of our qualified solar specialists to discuss your Solar Proposal. They will walk you though and help you comprehend the rebates, solar lingo & ensure you understand every inch of the process.
Once you fully understand your proposal, you can make an informed decision.​
Step 4:
Book in your PV Solar Panel Install.​
General Terms and Conditions for PV Solar Panel Installation Contract